Asset Management

Aside the engineering side, commercial structures and buildings represent twofold financial value centers as fixed assets and constant income opportunity means. Their value, is a combination of many static and dynamic factors in nature of which the mix and balance characterize their worth levels as perceived by the market within they exist. Furthermore, there is always a degree of value volatility throughout the lifespan of a structure that can be expressed as a function of the continuously evolving environment around them (physical and economic) in relation to their own technical status and income generating capability that in turn depends on their location, functionality potential and design. Similarly to every income earning activity, there are costs associated with its generation and marketability factors affecting the level of profit or leading to losses and opportunity costs due to inertia. Consequently, the task of creating and maintaining market perceived property value is complex (e.g. setting objectives in volatile economic environments), highly technical and economic in nature requiring a multidisciplinary approach. The asset management team must possess sound technical and economic knowledge accompanied by proactive managerial capability in order to attain maximum potential marketability and meaningful rates of return during all instead of only certain stages of its life-cycle.

On this basis, Metrax provides asset management services designed to maximize ROI through two objectives that are central to our approach. Our first objective is the reduction of operating and maintenance costs for each property unit assigned to us through dedicated efficient process management and the utilization of bargaining power arising from repeated business with our subcontractors and suppliers.

On the other hand, we emphasize on continuously readopting the marketability of the managed property by performing upgrades or adding functionality and features through periodic investments that are strategically spread over time. Our experienced team members, research, design and propose solutions ensuring that any property in our portfolio remains current and attractive to tenants or investors according to the market standards it is targeted to serve. Yet, as an integral part of our approach, we always develop a strategy in collaboration with our clients that leads to self-financing properties that are able to cover all future maintenance and upgrade costs thus creating economically sustainable entities once everything has been set on track.

We offer two levels of property management services each with a different scope and reach (Consulting & Action Centric). Our services are targeted to commercial property (single or portfolio assignments) and are contract based while we offer a high degree of customization options depending on client needs. From maintenance management contracts to joint venture based exploitation schemes we “engineer value” in every step of the process.

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Asset Management Service

Level I

Single Property or Portfolio Assessment

  • Business Analysis & Assessment (Portfolio wide or Single Property)
  • Space utilization assessment & advice
  • Portfolio restructuring advice and alignment of property investment with business needs and strategic objectives in order to maximize ROI potential and productivity of resources (both property and personnel on sites)
  • Property Survey to determine Legal Compliance and technical condition
  • Property Valuation (RICS) & Market Standing Report
  • Cost of operation & maintenance benchmarking
  • Sustainability Report & Advice
  • Facilities Management consulting (in-house or outsourcing options)
  • Turn-Key Asset Management Solutions for investors

Level II

Strategic Orientation


